Hunter's Grant Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions


 1. What types of Grants are funded?

Preference is given to applications in music, performing arts, computer science, and entrepreneurship. Examples of past Grants funded appear in the newsletter archive on our website.

2. Can I use the funding for college tuition? 

No. The mission of Hunter's Fund is to enable young entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams, and we are deeply committed to following this model.  Therefore, unless there is a compelling reason why some tuition is needed to complete a project, we do not accept applications that request financial assistance for tuition purposes.

We do, however, understand that financial aid is important and so we encourage you to apply to several scholarship organizations to put together a financial package to help with tuition and other needs that you may have that Hunter's Fund does not finance. Ten best sites to search for financial aid scholarships are published by USA Today and can be found here.

3. What Grant amounts are available? 

We accept Grant applications for project funding between $500 and $5000. The average award is $3500.

4. How can I increase my chances of getting approved?

We look for applicants who reflect Hunter's character and passions. Please learn about Hunter at About Hunter and review the types of grants previously awarded in the newsletter archives.  When the Committee must decide among finalists, they often ask, “What would Hunter do?"

5. Age  

Applicants must be at least 16 years old and not more than 25 at the time of submission of Application.

6. Geography 

Must be a legal resident of the US or St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

7. Family 

Must NOT be a family member or relative of Hunter Watson's family, Hunter Watson Founders Committee or Board of Directors or employees.

8. Grades and Leadership Not a Criteria

Grade Point Average (GPA), community service, leadership roles, or religious affiliation will neither benefit nor negatively impact our evaluation. School transcripts are requested only as evidence that the applicant has attended school.

9. What about references?

All applications must include at least two references from professional contacts or teachers—not friends or family. You will be provided with a Hunter’s Fund email address for your references to use for sending us their reference letters. All references must be received by Hunter’s Fund two weeks before the closing of grant applications.

10. What about a presence on the Internet?

It is important for applicants to have material online to help our Grants Committee get a feel for your work. Musicians, performing arts applicants, and entrepreneurs may have videos or websites related to their ideas. Computer science applicants may have Facebook, LinkedIn or other references to share.

11. Completing the application 

Our online application allows you to save your data to work on it up to the deadline date – June 15 or November 15. Incomplete applications are removed after those dates. Critical items are transcripts, your reference letters, personal video and a photograph (headshot only). Your video becomes a part of the applcation review process If awarded a Grant, your headshot will be used in press releases and publicity materials.

12. A detailed project proposal and budget

Applications must contain a detailed explanation of the anticipated project, timeline, and budget, including any other sources of funding you receive. In the budget, please list only the essential and necessary components needed to complete your project. All grant funds must be used for the specific purposes described in the application. Grant funds may not be used for any other costs or expenses without prior written approval from Hunter's Fund.

13. What types of expenses NOT covered in budget applications?

Carefully budgeting your proposal is a key part of the application process. office supplies (i.e., business cards), membership in organizations, social media platforms, obtaining patents before a project is viable, legal fees, corporate or LLC start-up fees, or new computers are not eligible for funding. Many laptop computers and musical instruments/equipment can be rented or are available through schools, libraries, or specialized stores. If you require these supplies, include a budget line for equipment rental. We do not pay for consultants to help develop business plans or tuition for any reason. If a purchase is necessary, include justification in your proposal. If you feel a related purchase is necessary, please include a clear and thorough justification in your proposal and expect your application to require additional examination.

14. Save Application

If you cannot complete the application during a single session, you may save your work and return later to complete it. Your application is identified by cookies placed on your computer; if these cookies are lost or deleted, you will be unable to return to it and will need to start over. 

15. Grant Review Process

The Hunter's Fund Grants Committee reviews all applications that meet these requirements. Each reviewer assigns each application a score for each question. Each reviewer's scores are added together to achieve an overall ranking for the application. Therefore, it is important to answer every question and submit two recommendations to achieve the highest score. Applicants are also asked to submit a 1 to 2-minute video to personally describe their project and passion. The top recommended candidates are sent to Hunter's Fund Board of Directors, who makes the final decisions. 

16. How many grants are awarded each cycle? 

The number and amount of grants awarded depend on the quality and number of grant applications received, in addition to funds available.

17. How will the selected grant winners be announced?

Grant winners will be posted on our website on the Grant Winners page. Given the high number of applicants and the time availability of our all-volunteer selection committee and board, applicants not selected for funding will NOT be individually notified or offered recommendations on how to improve their future applications. However, we hope all applicants, whether selected or not, continue to find creative ways to pursue their dreams.  


1. Become familiar with Hunter Watson's life and character

You will be expected to advocate for who Hunter was and what Hunter's Fund represents when opportunities arise.

2. Report

You will be expected to submit a one to two-page report with pictures and a 1-2 minute video or your work six months after payments begin or within one month of a project's completion (whichever comes first). Reports should include the following: 1) A description of your project. 2) How have you used the funding from the awarded Grant? 3) What effect has being awarded a Grant had on you? 4) How Hunter's Fund was recognized for supporting your project. 5) Photos from your project.

3. Agreement to use your name and story for publicity purposes

By accepting this Grant, you agree to allow us to use your full name, story, pictures, and other details for publicity purposes. We are sensitive about personal privacy and would not distribute individual contact information such as phone numbers or addresses without your permission. However, we reserve the right to share your story and highlight Hunter's Fund work to uplift the next generation of creative innovators and generate more support for this work. 

4. Speaking Opportunities

You agree to share your funded project during one public event (or more) to a relevant audience (i.e., club, church, community, target audience, classmates, etc.). During this presentation, you are also expected to speak up to one minute describing Hunter's Fund and Hunter Watson's character. Please share your event with your mentor and grant administrator.

5. Media Interviews

If interviewed by any media, we ask that you directly reference the Hunter's Fund Grant. Please share links to media outlets with your mentor.

6. Printing or Website Material

You are expected to recognize Hunter's Fund support wherever possible by including our name or logo on any new brochures, flyers, PowerPoint slides, web pages, and social media posts you publish. You can find these on our website at:

A minimum requirement to include is “Made possible by a Grant from Hunter’s Fund.” 

7. How does Hunter’s Fund monitor my progress?

When a Grant is awarded, we try to assign a mentor to each Grant recipient. The mentor is your principal contact for advice and will ensure your funds are properly distributed. Six months after your Grant is received, or within one month of a project’s completion, you are required to submit a one-page report including the following:

A description of your project and how you used the funding from your Grant. Photos and a 1–2-minute video of your project. - What effect has being awarded a Grant had on you? - How was Hunter’s Fund recognized for supporting your project? 

8. Why do I have a mentor, and how often should we connect? 

Hunter’s Fund believes in supporting you in meeting your goals. Mentors are chosen to provide guidance specific to the interests of the Grant recipient. We ask that you and your mentor connect monthly by email, text, or phone to stay updated on your progress.

9. Can I opt out of being featured on Hunter Watson’s online platforms or publicity materials as a Grant recipient?

By accepting a Grant from Hunter’s Fund, you are agreeing to allow us to use your full name, your project story, and pictures to promote Hunter’s Fund on our website, and in our press releases and promotional materials. We are sensitive about personal privacy and would not disclose your contact information without your permission. By sharing your story and highlighting the work of Hunter’s Fund, we hope to generate more support for the next generation of creative innovators.

10. Fundraising & Awareness

If you accept a Hunter’s Fund Grant, you agree to participate in the Hunter Fund's annual Hunter’s Birthday fundraiser held online each year in September. This is a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign where you will be asked to send email invites to your friends and family to support the Hunter's Fund programs. Alternatively, you can sponsor at least one Fundraiser on Facebook or social media to help raise funds for Hunter's Fund programs and post it "Publicly." We will supply you with content for such a posting

11. Video Testimonial

After completing your Grant, you will be asked to record a 1 - 2-minute testimonial of what your Grant has meant to you and the community. Could you also share this on your personal social media platforms?

12. Social Media

Grant winners must follow us on all their social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin, etc., and tag us in posts about your project #huntersgrant.

Facebook -
Instagram -
YouTube -
LinkedIn -

13. Time Requirement

You must complete your project within 12 months after receiving the first grant payment. No payment requests will be accepted after that period.

14. Will I be required to pay the Grant back?

Some Grant winners who have achieved financial success after receiving a Grant have contributed the amount of their Grant to enable someone else to explore their dreams. However, reimbursing the fund is not a requirement.