Signing a written pledge could change your behavior by 47% more than any other incentive.

Thank you for helping us reach our year-end goal!

Let us send you a Free Wrist Band or Key Chain as a reminder to Drive Safe!

This wristband might make you a safer driver1

This wristband might make you a safer driver1

This keychain can be a daily reminder to drive safe1

This keychain can be a daily reminder to drive safe1

* Become a Pledge Partner and Save Lives

  • Become an advocate for ending distracted driving and encourage your friends and family not to drive distracted

  • When given the opportunity, encourage their local clubs and schools to sponsor Hunter’s Pledge to End Distracted Driving event.

  • Offer advice and suggestions to Hunter’s Fund on ways to expand this campaign.

  • Share your distracted driving stories with Hunter’s Fund so we share them with others.

  • Be recognized in our campaign and web site as a Pledge Partner.