Appreciation Party on Zoom:  

See in person how 2 Grant Winners achieved their Dreams with a Hunter’s Fund Grant

MAY 16TH @ 3:00 PM EST

I plan to join you on Saturday May 16th at 3PM EST . . . as we celebrate the stories of two young people who’s dreams are coming true.

Jackson Hirsh, Rence Epic Records Recording Artist

Jackson Hirsh, Rence
Epic Records Recording Artist

Jackson learned to play the violin at age three. By the time the Seattle native was a sophomore at New York University, he found the cost of NY recording studios out of reach. He applied to Hunter’s Fund for a grant to expand his own apartment studio. Three years later, with the benefit of this eqipment, Jackson was offered a recording contract with Epic Records, the label of Maria Carey. He is now touring under the stage name of “Rence.”
He has just paid it forward by funding a grant to help another your musician.

Calum Smeaton
SmeatsBeats Productions

While Calum was a student at the University of Virginia, a Hunter’s Fund grant helped him start a recording business to provide free or discounted services to help local artists bring their music to life. He has since recorded, mixed, and mastered hundreds of tracks.
The qualify of the sound equipment provided by Hunter’s Fund made it possible for Calum to land a contract with the Smithsonian Institute Museums to record and edit their audio tours.  

These young people will say:

  • How they have been able to pursue their passion at a time when their dreams were emerging.

  • How presenting their ideas to a grants committee and preparing a budget is a life learning experience for them.

  • Watching their ideas come alive, is an experience that will be with them for a lifetime.

    This webinar will have a special meaning to those of you who support Hunter’s Fund.

Jasob O’Connor Venture Mentality

Jasob O’Connor
Venture Mentality


Jacob O'Connor Columbia, Illinois
Jacob received a Hunter's Fund grant to upgrade his studio after demonstrating how his nearly 100 podcast interviews with business leaders and other high performers were giving his listeners the courage to pursue their own dreams. With his interview experience, Hunter’s Fund asked Jacob to moderate this event.