3 Strategies to Help Nonprofits Thrive During COVID-19

The global COVID-19 pandemic is transforming every aspect of our world and has illustrated the need for nonprofit organizations to stay flexible and embrace virtual outreach efforts. 

Organizations like Hunter’s Fund typically rely on in-person events to reach new audiences, connect with potential donors, encourage fundraising, and share their organization’s message with the masses. By implementing specific virtual strategies, nonprofit organizations can fill in the gap left by social distancing and remain resilient throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Here are three strategies to keep your organization thriving virtually: 

Social Media Campaigns 

Social Media sharing campaigns are a powerful way to harness the influence of your current audience and donors and encourage new viewers to get involved with your organization’s cause. 

In the COVID-19 era, Hunter’s Pledge to End Distracted Driving has evolved from physical pledge cards handed out in-person to a virtual pledge form that can be shared on Twitter and Facebook. 

After a participant fills out the virtual pledge form, they are greeted with a “Thank You” screen with links to share the pledge to their social media pages. A graphic encouraging friends and followers to sign the pledge is generated and the signer has the option to write a personalized message about why they signed. 

Establish a newsletter and blog  

Whether you want to keep your donors updated on new developments, or are working to establish your organization as an expert in its domain; blogs and newsletters (virtual and snail-mail) work double-duty for both educational and marketing purposes.

Has your organization met a new goal? Write up a blog post and send it out in an email newsletter. Have you hired a new staff member? Ask them some interview questions and send out an email introducing them to your donors. Trying to solicit donations for a new campaign? Write about it in a newsletter and include a link to donate.

Hunter’s Fund newsletters reach thousands of participants and keep them updated on the ins-and-outs of the organization. Click here to subscribe and stay in the loop. 

Hold web-based events with donors

While traditional, in-person appreciation events and parties aren’t an option in the COVID-19 era, communication with donors is more important now than ever before. Donor appreciation events are a way to keep donors enthusiastic and connected to your organization’s cause and can inspire future donations. 

Webinar parties are a simple, low-cost way to keep in touch with donors during COVID-19, and serve as a forum to share the impact of their donations, introduce donors to beneficiaries, and deepen the connection between donors and the organization’s mission and campaigns. 

Hunter’s Fund held a virtual donor appreciation party via Zoom on Saturday, May 16 including interviews with grant recipients, updates on current COVID-19 strategy, and live musical performances.